Saturday, October 3, 2020

Fall Update!


Hi sweet friends and family!!

   Well here we are, 2 entire months into my apprenticeship!!! I can't tell if these months have gone by really fast or really slow...but either way, they have been so good. First let me introduce you to my core because that's where I currently am seeing God's hand at work the most. Cores are small groups of men or women that come together to worship, share life, study scripture, pray, and build deep friendships. 

Here are my girls!!
    They are the BEST. And that's actually not even all of them. This picture was taken at my 2nd core and we have 3 more students who have started coming since! Mine and Sam's core is made up of 7 freshmen girls, 1 new Sophomore girl and 1 senior who is returning to our ministry- it's quite the group. I am so glad the Lord put our community in front of these women! I also get the opportunity to meet up with a few of them one on one to study the Bible  I've been so in awe of the questions these girls bring. God is clearly doing work behind the scenes that neither Sam nor I could do. 
Thank you so much for praying for me, my core, and the F.O.C.U.S. ministry at large- God is answering abundantly!

We now do "Deep Dive" in place of Thursday Night Fellowship (TNF) and we have been able to reserve a room on campus that fits about half of our ministry! So we rotate each week who gets to watch in person (socially distanced) and who watches from online. The arrows point toward one of our pastors, Austin, giving a sermon.

    I adore my core and I see God moving there, but I also think God is doing quite a bit of work in my own heart personally. I can't pin down one single theme that God is currently emphasizing in my life, but I can see a bunch of smaller things God is doing to further mature as a disciple. 

    One thing I'm learning about and actively growing in is assertiveness. I've learned that my natural tendencies are to people please, avoid conflict, and always be polite...but how often in the gospels is Jesus just polite? Of course I don't think it's always bad to be nice, but let's take a real look at how Jesus lived- he said some very controversial things, stepped on people's toes and often offended people! He called people to hard decision making points. Do I look like Jesus in that way? I realize to the reader who cannot see the fullness of the work happening in my heart right now, this maybe seems concerning, but Jesus is making me into someone who can be assertive and confrontational when necessary out of deep love for God and care for his people. This already has had challenging, but rewarding implications within some of my closest relationships.

Here are a few other things I'm learning about, growing in, and experiencing: 

1)  How to be a better spiritual friend and disciple maker- not just in college ministry but in all spheres of influence I'll have in my life. What are good questions I can ask? How do I approach people with sincere care for them and their relationship with God? 
2)  My identity and value to the Lord that's not based on my thoughts or feelings about myself, nor is it based on any of my efforts, accomplishments, or failures. Truth about who I am comes from God and his word alone.
3)  HUMILITY. Can I be honest with people and with God about where I'm at even if that means they see my imperfections? Will I choose to ask questions or say things that might make me look foolish? Will I serve without expectation of recognition?

    I look forward to sharing more about the above and other things not mentioned that the Lord is doing inside of me right now. I know there's a lot happening in my heart and mind this season, and it's hard to recognize it all, but I am confident that the Holy Spirit is heavily using this time to shape me.

How you can pray:

  • Continued growth and maturity amongst the women in my core and wisdom for Sam and I to be able to foster that; also for our core to be a genuine group of friends in life-transforming, loving relationships with one another!
  • For my own intimacy with God and leaning into what he's teaching me and how he's healing me
  • For all of the current apprentices in F.O.C.U.S. who are busy and tired- that we would manage time well and be re-energized by God's spirit, people, and rest!
    This month's student Testimony:

    Thanks for reading and praying!