Monday, October 11, 2021

Fall Camp!

Happy Fall!

We're a just little over a month into this year of ministry now, but we are making headway!

     As a brief update, we just had our Fall Camp with UTA and it was awesome! We had about 80 students (a good mix of new students and students who are returning to our ministry) come and worship, make friends, hear student testimonies, and enjoy God's creation that weekend. I really believe Fall Camp is a time where people begin to see themselves not just as an attendee of an organization, but really a member of our body which really opens doors for discipleship!

Big group games- YAY. Orange team did in fact win, in case you were curious.

This is me, Sam B, and Loren. Sam and I lead core together and Loren is in ours! We have loved having her around and I can see how the Lord is so kindly providing her community and teaching through our ministry.

Worship at Fall Camp

Here's what one of the freshman in our ministry said about Fall Camp when she was asked to share about it at our Thursday Night Fellowship:

This is my first year being in FOCUS and honestly I can say nothing but good things. This past weekend I had the privilege of going to fall camp and had a blast. I’m not gonna lie, I had been contemplating going to camp just new cause I wasn’t sure what I was going to get out of it. But it wasn’t about what I was getting out of it, it’s what God was planning to do through me while being there. I enjoyed playing sand volleyball which brought me so much laughter. My walk and talk allowed me to be open. I got to know everyone on a deeper level and enjoy God’s presence. One of the important things I learned while at camp was about the Lords sweet word which is like honey there was a table set up with a the scripture from psalm 119:103 which says “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

Also on the table was a bottle of honey. As I tasted the honey the sweeter it became! It was nice to have the physical resemblance of what Gods word taste like. Gods word is truthful and Lord has so much love for us and he will continue to guide us no matter what. I know that God has so much in store for me.

And when I allow him to speak through me it’s sweeter than what I would think.

This is just one story of quite a few that came from Fall Camp this year. The Lord is at work at UTA and I am incredibly thankful for it. I'm eager to share how he continues to move over the next few months.


  • TCC Northeast just approved FOCUS as an official student organization! We've had about 3 students coming to our core there regularly so pray for healthy growth as we are now allowed to advertise through flyers and tabling and such!
  • While my core at UTA is going well, there has been some hesitancy in studying the Bible one on just pray for open hearts to explore the scriptures!

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